Please use this form to register information about an adopted child. Please provide as much information as you know. Please be sure to complete the fields marked with an asterisk.

    I. Adoptee's Information

    *Adoptee's Current Name
    Adoptee's Name Recorded on Original Birth Certificate
    Place of Birth
    County Where Adoption Was Finalized
    Birth Parent's Name
    Date of Birth
    Birth Parent's Name
    Date of Birth
    Birth Parent's Address (Street, City, State, Zip)
    Birth Parent's Address (Street, City, State, Zip)
    Adoptive Parent's Name
    Date of Birth
    Adoptive Parent's Name
    Date of Birth
    Adoptive Parent's Address (Street, City, State, Zip)
    Adoptive Parent's Address (Street, City, State, Zip)

    II. Agency Information

    III. Child's Records

    Records Uploaded to DPW/OCYF

    File(s) must be in .pdf format, not to exceed 20mb. You may upload more than one file by holding down the Control key when you select a file or by clicking the Browse button multiple times. Please allow all file uploads to finish before submitting.

    I verify that the above infromation is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and submitted as true and correct under penalty of law (Section 4904 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code).

    If the agency information for submitter is different than the information provided in Section II, please provide the submitter's agency information below.

    Please validate the caption below.